Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Day Blogging

I had to put up something to make my blog actually look functional. I think I have decided on a basic theme for my outside reading this quarter. I will be reading the columns, blog, and possibly a book by my favorite political writer, Joe Klien. Since we are in the middle of a historic election season, I figure its a good time to keep up with politics, and there is never a bad time to keep up with Joe Klien who in my opinion is one of the most brilliant political analysts and writers of this day and age. I plan on reading his weekly column in TIME, called In the Arena, the blog he contributes to on, called Swampland, and possibly a book he wrote called The Natural. I personally think Joe Klien will be a facinating topic for my outside reading this quarter, and I think if you continue to read my blog, you will agree.

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