Friday, September 19, 2008

Joe Klien's New Article

In a new and interesting column by Joe Klein in this weeks issue of TIME, he argue the the New VP candidate Sara Palin is representative of an America that no longer exists. The McCain campaign champions her as an average American coming from an average American community, But Joe Klein argues, how many people many people still live in rural America. He states, Palin is an average American of fifty year ago. Now, our citizens make their ------ in city businesses, and our food is made by big corporations, not farmers. However, he also says that this strategy, however flawed, may work. He argues that America today is more nostalgic then it used to be. The cause of this he says, is the absence of recent military success in wars like Vietnam and Iraq. Klein is well known for his dislike of political dishonesty, lauded this as a smart strategy, but was disappointed in the McCain-Palin for distracting Americans from the issues. In one of his latest posts on Swampland, he is also disappointed in McCain's defense of his remarks that the economy is "fundamentally sound." The McCain campaign defended this comment saying that he meant he had confidence in the hardworking Americans. Klein posted that of course every candidate in this election believes in the American worker, but by simply saying the economy is sound instead of actually saying how he will fix it, McCain is disrespecting the American working class.

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