Monday, September 22, 2008

"John McCain and the Lying Game"

Well, Joe Klein took a turn for the hateful towards John McCain's campaign this week. In his In the Arena column, which can be found here, he really goes at them. This is honestly one of the most partisan articles I have read by him, which just goes to show how fed up he really is with the recent shift of politics towards the smear campaign. Klein is usually fairly moderate with a slight liberal twist on occasion, but this article is in no way a slight twist.
He says, "... John McCain has allowed his campaign to slip the normal bounds of political propriety" and, "McCain's lies have ranged from the annoying to the sleazy, and the problem is in both degree and kind." While I obviously do not follow the campaign as closely as Klein, I fully agree with his examples. One of the most sleazy attacks, for example, was that McCain accused Obama of wanting to have sex education for kindergartners, while the truth is that Obama merely wants to inform them on the dangers of predators. These dishonorable attacks bring back memories of a certain 2000 election where McCain was on the receiving end of the mudslinging.
And there is no doubt Klein is alone in his calling out of the McCain campaign. Perhaps most prominently, the past SNL opening skit was a spoof of a McCain political advertisement session. This displays another reason why Klein is one of the best political analysts there are. He writes about what other people will be talking about a week before.

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