Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Running Out of Time

As the election creeps one week closer, the Obama campaign is wishing the election were held today. They currently hold momentum that has been so far unprecedented in this campaign. Joe Klein comments on this in his new article, “The Obama Surge: Will it Last?” Klein writes about Obama’s success in the debates. Klein has written several times that Obama’s advantage has been twofold, he has been calm and collected and he has been able to offer clear solution to the problems facing America today. Klein uses his answers in the debates, saying healthcare is a right, not a privilege or responsibility, and explaining the economics of the financial bailout as examples of this. I personally thought Obama was by far the more presidential candidate in all the debates, even more so then the mainstream media. The most interesting part of Klein’s analysis is that American citizens are finally judging Obama on the content of his cool, collected character, instead of his race. However in the article, Klein does present some criticism of Obama. While Obama has been more truthful with the American public than most candidates in recent memory, Klein realizes the American public will demand more from a president in these troubled times.

Klein also wrote this week on Swampland his review of Palin and the public’s response to her so far in the campaign. I agree with his opinion that Palin was an extremely unqualified choice that McCain made without the necessary information. It also brings up the point, that I also agree with, that McCain would have rather chosen Joe Lieberman for his Vice President, and most likely would have had a better chance to win if he had done so. Also, I think the Vice Presidential debate would have been fascinating if it had been between Lieberman and Biden.

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