Sunday, December 7, 2008

Annotated Bibliography

Lynch, David J. “Does Tax Code Encourage U.S. Companies to Cut Jobs at Home?” USA Today. 20 March. 2008
David J. Lynch is a frequent contributor to USA Today write most often about economics and finances. The article explains the claims made by the Democratic candidate in the presidential primary of 2008, Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton, that they would close the tax break for companies who outsource jobs to foreign countries. Lynch informs the reader that the tax actually just postpones the tax on overseas profits, but it does provide incentive for corporations to create jobs overseas. He also provides several perspectives on what could be done about the loophole.

Greenhouse, Steven. “Offshoring Silicon Valley.” American Prispect. 19 (2008): 18-20.

Steven Greenhouse is a veteran economic journalist for the New York Times. In his series, The Big Squeeze: Tough Time for the American Worker, he writes about the effect of offshoring on many US industries. In this article Greenhouse writes about the offshoring of the technological industry, which was supposed to be safe for overseas competition. It focuses on the plight of Myra Bronstein, who worked as a software tester until a Indian immigrant was hire to do her work for six percent of the money. Greenhouse includes many warnings for prominent economist about the dangers of offshoring.

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