Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Starting "The Running Mate"

While I have only read the (rather lengthy) prologue of The Running Mate so far, I can already easily distinguish this as a work of Joe Klein. First of all he does something very interesting. The main character Charlie Martin was a minor character in Klein's previous book Primary Colors. It is extremely interesting to see the events of the campaign which Primary Colors was centered on in the eyes of a candidate we have only briefly met before. I’m sure at some point I will find myself rummaging through Primary Colors for every reference to Charlie Martin. Another theme that I can already see emerging is the intrusiveness of the press into politicians’ personal lives. As even my previous posts demonstrate, this is an issue that is very prevalent in almost all of Klein's writing. It is a strange twist of point-of-view to see this practice in the eyes of a candidate. Another thing commonly found in Klein's books is the resemblance of the politicians to Bill Clinton. This particular character, Charlie Martin, is similar in his allegedly promiscuous behaviors and enormous capacity for learning policy. Martin is also a singularly unique politician just as Clinton was. I am certainly looking forward to the rest of the book, but I am a little concerned it is going to be too similar to Klein's books on Clinton and therefore be a little redundant. When I can recognize the signs of an author’s writing in the first few pages, it may be a sign I should move on to a new writer.

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